PTR Hartmann
  • 环境

Environmental Policy

Our company commits itself to the development, implementation, maintenance, advancement of and continual improvement to an environment management system including compliance with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 insofar as they apply to the company. Furthermore we undertake to protect the environment, to prevent environmental pollution, and to uphold binding obligations and statutory provisions.
Our company ensures that the environmental policy and the specified environmental targets are coordinated with the context and strategic orientation of the company, and that the needs of the interested parties are taken into account.

Every employee is responsible for implementing this policy in his or her area of responsibility. The environmental policy is publicly accessible for everybody (interested parties) and is communicated by the persons and organisations assigned by the company.


  • In respect of all company activities, PTR HARTMANN plays a hands-on role in keeping any negative effects on the environment as minimal as possible and, by virtue of its own commitments, in contributing to optimising solutions to local, regional and global environmental problems.
  • We document this by means of operational target setting, and we consider the regular reviewing of the results as a part of management responsibility. We create internal and external audits in support of this.
  • In all of this, the legal requirements represent the minimum requirements.
  • It is our aim to develop products and services in such a way that the impact on the environment is kept at as low a level as possible.
  • We also work with our suppliers and business partners to improve the conservation of natural resources.
  • In accordance with their tasks, our employees are informed, qualified and motivated in respect of environmental protection. They are obligated to implement these principles and to comply with the legal and official requirements within the framework of their relevant responsibility.
  • In implementing our environmental policy, the ultimate aim is to achieve continual improvement to our environmental performance, including the environmental aspects.
  • With regard to our environmental protection activities, we promote and maintain a climate and culture of openness and seek dialogue with our employees and business partners.
  • The (continuing) appropriateness of our environmental policy is reviewed annually as part of the management assessment.

Werne | Baiersdorf | Grävenwiesbach, 04/2020                                                              
Peter Scherer